Cameron Regional Medical Center has been blessed with many special friends who serve as volunteers in varying capacities. Whether it’s through fundraising endeavors, toil and effort, or just energy and a smile, they help make the Medical Center a friendlier, more inviting place to be for patients, families, and visitors alike.
The CRMC Auxiliary, over the course of many years, has tirelessly donated their time and special talents to special fundraising efforts. These include such events as bake and craft sales, as well as maintaining the CRMC Gift Shop. All proceeds from their labors go toward the purchase of medical equipment and furnishings. Their contributions over time have led to the acquisition of a multitude of much-needed items for the Medical Center.
What better way to meet, greet, and escort our patients, families, and visitors than to offer the smiling, friendly faces of area residents who truly enjoy volunteering and giving of their time? The Ambassadors are a group of energetic, green-vested hosts and hostesses who do their best to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable while at Cameron Regional Medical Center. They will be glad to answer questions, assist you in getting to the right place, or just lend a caring hand.
The Ambassador Program began in 2002 when volunteers were recruited from throughout the region. These dynamic individuals don’t just volunteer their services to meet the needs of patients and their families; they also help hospital staff with various tasks such as copying, folding, completing mailings, and even watering plants. In addition, they assist in staffing special Medical Center events such as open houses and health fairs.
CAMERON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER takes pride in these two volunteer groups and offers our deepest gratitude, as they truly are our Shining Stars!
1600 East Evergreen
(Exit 52 off I-35)
PO Box 557
Cameron, MO 64429
Cameron Regional Medical Center and its Foundation are 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporations.