for our patient's convenience.
Please use a debit card, credit card, or ACH.
Upon arrival at Cameron Hospital at your scheduled appointment time, you will need to check in at the Patient Registration (Admitting) desk located by the main entrance. Here you will sign papers giving permission for treatment and release of information. All pertinent patient information will be entered and/or verified at this time. If you have been given a pre-surgery packet, please make sure to bring this with you. If you need information from our business office please call us at (816) 649-3326
It is imperative that you also bring proper identification (such as a driver’s license), all your current insurance cards, and your social security number with you. The Patient Registration Office will need to make a copy of these cards to ensure your relevant information is on file. Also bring a current list of your medications, including the name of the drug, the dosage, and how often you take it; or you may bring your prescription bottles. All valuables should be left at home.
Medicare will not pay for your self-administered drugs that you require while an outpatient at CRMC. This includes Observation status, Emergency Room, and Day Surgery. Therefore, it is imperative that you bring ALL of your current medications with you. There are also certain items that Medicare will not pay for when you are an inpatient, such as ointments, moisturizers, wipes, etc.
In accordance with HIPAA regulations, you should be prepared to tell us your wishes regarding privacy and release of information; i.e., with which of your family members and/or friends should we disclose/discuss your personal information (“Protected Health Information”), whether these designated individuals can receive medical information and/or billing/insurance information, and your wishes regarding visitors and callers.
If you are admitting a child, you will need to sign a written consent allowing us to provide your child with medical care. Guardians must bring legal proof of guardianship.
1600 East Evergreen
(Exit 52 off I-35)
PO Box 557
Cameron, MO 64429
Call CRMC at:
Cameron Regional Medical Center and its Foundation are 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporations.
Call CRMC at:
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