If you are in need of a specific doctor, medical specialist, or healthcare service, Cameron Regional Medical Center is here to assist you in finding the right medical care for your needs. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best possible healthcare experience, whether you're seeking routine care or specialized treatment. To get started, you can contact us directly and our staff will help guide you to the appropriate resources.
We offer, we are here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our departments or visit our satellite clinics page where you’ll find detailed information about the services and medical professionals available in your area. Our satellite clinics are strategically located to ensure that high-quality healthcare is easily accessible to our community, with a variety of specialists and services ready to meet your needs.
1600 East Evergreen St.
Cameron, Mo 64429
(816) 632-2101
Administration -
(816) 649-3203
Admitting/Registration -
(816) 649-3293
Foundation -
(816) 649-3332
Human Resources -
(816) 649-3203
Medical Staff Office -
(816) 649-3250
Nursing Administration - (816) 649-3329
Patient Advocacy -
(816) 649-3256
Patient Transportation Van -
(816) 649-3341
Public Relations/Marketing -
(816) 649-3226
Social Services -
(816) 649-3218
Volunteer/Ambassador Services - (816) 649-3332
1600 East Evergreen
(Exit 52 off I-35)
PO Box 557
Cameron, MO 64429
Cameron Regional Medical Center and its Foundation are 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporations.