Each patient can have two visitors  at Cameron Hospital

Patient Resources at Cameron Regional Medical Center

When You Arrive at Cameron Regional Medical Center

We are grateful that you have selected Cameron Regional Medical Center for your healthcare needs. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality and compassionate care while keeping you close to home.

When you arrive at Cameron Regional Medical Center for your scheduled appointment or procedure, please check in at the Patient Registration (Admitting) desk located near the main entrance. At this desk, you will sign documents authorizing treatment and the release of information. We will enter and/or verify all relevant patient information at this time. If you have received a pre-surgery packet, please bring it with you.

Be sure to bring the following items with you:

A black and white icon of a badge with a picture of a person on it at Cameron Regional Medical Center.

Valid identification card (e.g. Driver's License)

A black and white icon of a shield with a cross on it at Cameron Regional Medical Center

Current Insurance cards

A black and white icon of a credit card with a number on it. at Cameron Medical Center in Cameron Mo

 Social Security Number

The Admitting Clerk will need to make copies of these documents to keep your information on file.

Additionally, bring a current list of your medications, including drug names, dosages, and frequency, or your prescription bottles for your provider to review. Please leave valuables at home.

Attention Medicare Patients

Medicare does not cover self-administered drugs required during outpatient care at CRMC, including for Observation status, Emergency Room visits, and Day Surgery. Therefore, it is essential to bring all your current medications with you. Medicare also does not cover certain items for inpatients, such as ointments, moisturizers, and wipes.

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